5 Things Students Must Do to be Succesful in Cameroon

 Many students in Cameroon go through school never able to ace their courses, not because they do not have the ability but because they do not apply certain principles that successful people have used over time.

Every student desires to succeed, and everyone can succeed only if certain principles are applied at the right time, especially when we make such things a part of our daily life from a very early stage.

The Five (5) Things Every Student Must Do to be Succesful in Cameroon

1. Prioritize your Study Time

The first step to becoming a successful student is to develop study time and keep to it. Many people design study time schedules and are not disciplined enough to keep to what they have scheduled.

If you must excel, you must recognize that you cannot afford not to be organized.

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Learning how to manage the amount of time you spend with friends, relatives, and indeed family is essential if you must do well as a student.

Always ensure that you never neglect the time allocated to your studies. Doing otherwise can lead to failure and regret.

2. Time Management

As a student, you must not be like other people who believe in “African time.”

When a class is meant for 8am, be there by 8am.

You must also try to keep to your timetable, which dictates what you are to read and study daily.

The truth is successful people learn to use their time productively. This may mean that you must wake up earlier than your colleagues or sleep later than everyone else.

Determine what works best for you. That way, you can better stick with your plans.

3. Do not spend much time on social media.

People who spend too much time focusing on social media may not be able to fully concentrate on their studies.

Social media has its benefits, but the negatives far outweigh the positives.

Spending too much time on social media may lead to social media addiction.

You may need to come to terms with the fact that at this time in your life, your priority should be on how you can ace your courses and not on social media.

4. Choose your friends wisely

“Show me your friends, and I will tell you who you are. How many times have you heard this saying? It is as accurate as the holy book.

The right friends can have a life-changing impact on any individual; if we flip the coin, the wrong friends can also have a life-changing (negative, of course) impact on any individual.

You must choose your friends with much caution and care at this stage.

Look out for people who are better than you. Yea. Their habits can help in motivating you to also study whenever you are around them. It always works.

5. Have a Study Target or Goal

What are your goals? Do they motivate you enough to swallow your everyday distractions?

Are you that student who believes, “what will be, will be?”

I kept this for last because I want this to serve as a wake-up call.

If you don’t have a goal, do not expect your body to push you to success.


To be successful, you must have a goal, then develop a strategy and tactics for achieving that goal.

Only by doing these can you be successful.

Suggested: Online Jobs For Students in Cameroon.

Temo Group

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